Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How Big is God?


The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1

Have you ever just taken the time to lay back and look at the night sky?  

I grew up in a small town in Wyoming.  Even when you were in town you could see an amazing array of stars. I remember laying out in the yard looking at the night sky and enjoying all the stars. When you were able to get out of town the view was even more amazing.  

Where I live now in Colorado Springs the city lights are enough to block many of the stars you can see if you go to more isolated areas of Colorado. (Another reason I love living in Colorado.) If you are fortunate enough to not live near a major metropolitan area or have been able to get far enough away that the light doesn’t obstruct your view, you have been able to catch a glimpse of some of the splendor of God’s creation.  

In Genesis 15:5 God tells Abram to count the stars and this is how his descendants will be. This takes on a much bigger meaning when you look at a sky packed with stars. It truly is amazing.

But this is only looking at it in terms of what we can see with the naked eye. We are told in the book of Job to “Stop and consider God’s wonders” (37:14). Here are a few things we can’t readily see.

 The Cat's Eye Nebula

 The Eagle Nebula

 The Andromeda Galaxy

 The Sombrero Galaxy

These are just a few of the thousands of amazing images that have been taken by various telescopes. You can see there are definitely wonders to behold. This size of these objects is measured in light years and they range from several thousand to tens of millions of light years away (and there are others even further, much further).  Just trying to comprehend the size and the distances involved between us and these and other objects out there is staggering in and of itself.

God tells us that He put each of these objects where they are.   "I am the Lord, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself." (Is. 44:24) 

We all have problems in life. But do we take these problems to God and ask for His help? Sometimes, but not always. Especially if it is a bigger problem. When we do go to Him it is usually for the smaller things but not the bigger things. Or if we do go to God with it, we are soon taking it back to work on it ourselves. For some reason we feel the need to tackle these things ourselves. I know I have been guilty of this.  

I wrote a couple weeks ago about casting our burdens on God. God’s word doesn’t tell us to just toss Him the easy ones. Psalm 55:22 tells us to “Cast your burdens on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.” No qualifiers, just to cast our burdens on Him. Look again at the pictures above. God did all that, and more. Much, much more. I think we can agree after looking at the pictures that God is big. Really, REALLY BIG!

When life gives you troubles, take them to Him. All of them, big and small! There is nothing that can come your way that God cannot handle.

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