Monday, December 23, 2013

Unique, One and All

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well.  (Ps. 139:14)

We are all unique, every single one of us.  Even identical twins are not completely identical.  If you searched through the approximately seven billion on the Earth today and all of the people who have ever lived, you would not find another person just like you.  It is in this uniqueness we can find something special.

Our uniqueness is a testament to our God who created us.  Using Himself as a template He created man in such a way that in the fullness of time, each individual who ever walks the Earth will be a completely and totally unique.  Because each of us is unique, His love for each of us is also unique.  Sure there are commonalities in how His love is expressed in the world, but it is in the differences, our uniqueness that our relationship with Him becomes something bigger and better.

Does this surprise you?  If so, why?  Are all of your relationships exactly the same?  I’m going step out on a limb and say that they aren’t.  Regardless of whom the other person is, co-worker, friend, family member, etc., we experience each of the relationships differently.  If that is true in the relationships we have with others, why would God be any different? (Remember, created in His image.)

Ready for the next one?  Because you are unique, no one who has ever lived can worship God like you can.  No one!  This is more than going to church and singing a few songs on Sunday.  This is living life in such a way that you become the best version of who God created you to be. Finding your purpose in life, pursuing it with all your heart and bring God glory through your actions.

We also have a unique name.  This name is mentioned in Revelations 2:17b, “And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it.”  We can only speculate as to what this name could be but God knows the true you, the person you were created to become.  In this He has a unique name for each of us that will be special and will encompass all of who we are and were created to be. And though we don’t know it now, we will immediately recognize it when we hear it for the first time.

Our uniqueness is one way in which we are fearfully and wonderfully made, embrace it as the gift from God that it is and open yourself up to all God wants to do in you and through you.  He has a purpose for all of us that is as unique as we are.  Seek out that purpose and thank God for your uniqueness.  Praise Him in thought and deed as only you can.

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